Pilot - Science
In our daily life, either we like it or not, we have defined something related to an idea of knowing, learning of thought, application of our thought to experience, which defined as Scientia in Latin words, and now translate as Science in English Languages. An idea of knowing due to what we have seen, hear, and/or try. A Learning of thought, due to how others react or how we can share it with others. An Application of our thought to experience, which leads our humanity to expose on a journey of discovery to create more branches in Science.In the 21st century, Science, have been split between Mathematics and Specified Science. Mathematics, which is we currently agree as to the language of Science, due to nearly everything in Science we always can meet a pattern and/or a shape that's lead us to design an equation which is a form of Mathematics Writing. Specified Science, have split us into four categories, like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, and Social Science. That specified science, develop into their own category as each subject dealing with an issue from the universe message.
Physics is the learning about physicals matter as small as the atom till the extremist large like the universe. Chemistry is the learning about the behave of each particle in their combination. Biology is learning about living things and how they are connecting with each other. Computer Science is learning about the pattern in numbers, equations, words to help us with our technology. Social Science is learning about the pattern in humanity.